The Stabat Mater recounts the events of Good Friday. Today, March 30, 2024, is Holy Saturday. Peter Darcy has written a poem about the story of Holy Saturday. He is a writer and editor who has dedicated thirty years to the non-profit sector and various business enterprises. His great passion lies in educating others about the power of Beauty, Truth, and Goodness through his award-winning spirituality website Sacred Windows.
Peter shared with us his poem, previously published on Sacred Windows, to illustrate how deeply the theme of the Stabat Mater resonates with him.
Holy Saturday
Oh, my Son! My Son! Jesus, my Son!
Why have you abandoned me?”
My soul is forlorn, once widowed, twice bereaved, alone among many.
The world is bereft of all comfort.
The rock that covers your place of rest, Jesus, my Son!
Is harder than the hardest diamond, stronger than tested iron.
It rejects my pleas, ignores my tears,
Turns its face of granite to me in derision.
Yet you are the breaker of bonds, my Son, Jesus, my Son!
You breached the rock at Meribah and crushed the seraph in the wilderness.
All of you waits for the fulfillment of the Father’s promise.
All of me waits for you.
Jesus, my Son! My Son!
Jesus, my Son!
We established contact with Peter Darcy through the Ultimate Stabat Mater Website. Peter has made significant contributions to the international edition of Stabat Mater Dolorosa – A Journey through Seven Centuries of Music. As a devoted visitor to our website and a promoter of our platform through his Sacred Windows website, Peter went above and beyond by carefully reviewing the manuscript and providing detailed feedback. His expertise as an editor and his deep connection to the Stabat Mater were invaluable to this project. Peter’s meticulous proofreading, timely responses, and insightful suggestions were instrumental in enhancing the quality and success of our publication.
Happy Easter!