In CD-inserts, from other collectors and on internet, but especially in the doctoral thesis of Jürgen Blume, I found information that other Stabat Maters may have been composed by the following 400+ composers.
May 2001, I checked every name of the list by searching for it on the internet. For many I found additional data, some I could not find at all. It appeared that some names that I had been given were not composers at all; sometimes the information supplied by the search engine had probably been misunderstood and the “composers” were musicologists writing about Stabat Maters, painters who painted a Stabat Mater or writers who wrote a book or a play called Stabat Mater.
As I try to be as trustworthy as possible, I deleted all names on which I had no information whatever, and that I could not find on the Internet either. Nevertheless, I am sure that still names can be found on the list that should not be there. I apologize for that.
If you know if one of these has been released on CD, I would appreciate it very much if you would send this information to me. I can add it to my collection then and report about it on this site. Thank you very much!
- Rafael de Acebes (1837)
- Byron Adams (1955 – ) Stabat Mater for Chamber Orchestra and soprano.2024.
- Agostino Agazzari (1578 – 1640): Stabat Mater for 2 choirs, Stabat Mater for 4 soloists (SATB)
- Salvatore Agnelli (1817 – 1874)
- Jules Eugene Abraham Alary (1814 – 1894)
- Antonio Alberti (1756 – 1804)
- Pietro Alfieri (1801 – 1863): Stabat Mater Inno modulato a 4 voci con organo
- Tommy B.Andersson: Stabat Mater for women’s choir, cello and double bass
- Francisco Andrevi (1786 – 1853)
- Andrea d’Angeli (1868 – 1940)
- Carlo Angeloni (1834 – 1901)
- Jan Michael Angstberger (1717 – 1789)
- Jose Antxorena (ca. 1550)
- Giovanni Maria Appiano (ca.1650)
- Giancarlo Aquilanti (1959- ) Stabat Mater for mixed choir a capell
- Thomas Ashwell (ca. 1478 – 1513)
- Bonifacio Asioli (1769 – 1832)
- Joseph Auer (ca. 1850): Stabat Mater for mixed women’s choir and organ
- Juan Auli (1797)
- Emil Axman (1887 – 1949)
- Luis Bacalov (1933 – ): Stabat Mater 2002
- Johann Anton Bachschmidt (1728 – 1797)
- Konrad Back (1749 – 1810)
- Henk Badings 1907 – 1987)
- Nicolas Bacri (1961- ) Stabat Mater for Mixt choir and violin
- Josef Bahnert (ca. 1850): Stabat Mater for mixed women’s choir and organ
- Giuseppe Baini (1775 – 1844): Stabat Mater for male choir (TTB)
- Julije Bajamonti (1744 – 1800)
- Noel Baldewen (1480 – 1529)
- Joao José Baldi (1770 – 1817)
- Ian Balfour (1924 – ): Stabat Mater 1995
- Dora y Llorens Baltasar (1807)
- Jean-Luc Balthazar (1942): Stabat Mater for flute solo, opus 18
- John T. la Barbara (1947 – ): Stabat Mater: Donna de Paradiso (Passion play)
- Andrés Barrios (19?? – ) Stabat Mater 1988 for mixed choir
- Erasmo di Bartolo (1606 – 1656): Stabat Mater for 4 mixed choirs and continuo
- Domenico Bartolucci (1917 – ): Stabat Mater for mixed choir and Stabat Mater for soprano, mixed choir and orchestra
- Giacomo Battistini (1665 – 1719)
- Adolf (Anton?) Bauer (1725 – 1808)
- Hermann Bäuerle (1869 – 1936)
- Vittore Bellello (1879 – 1953)
- Diomede Belli (ca. 1850)
- Pietro Paolo Bencini (1675 – 1755)
- Antonio Pergrino Benelli (1771 – 1830): Stabat Mater for 4 soloists, mixed choir and strings
- Peter Benoit 1834 – 1901 Stabat Mater for choir and orchestra
- Niels Berentsen (1987 – ): Stabat Mater 2001 (Stabat Mater for the Corpus Hypercubiqus)
- Francesco Antonio Berera (1737 – 1813): Stabat Mater for two tenors, bass and strings
- Giuseppe Antonio Bernabei (1649 – 1732): three Stabat Maters for 4 soloists, mixed choir, strings and continuo
- Andrea Bernardi (1824 – 1900)
- Andrea Bernasconi (1706 – 1784)
- Bernetti (or Pernetti) (ca. 1750)
- Antonio Bertali (1605 – 1669): Stabat Mater for 8 voices and orchestra
- Luciano Bettarini (1914 – )
- Kurt Bikkembergs (1963 – )
- Martha Bishop (19.. – ): Stabat Mater 2004 for soprano, choir and four violas da gamb
- Emile-Robert Blanchet (1877 – 1943)
- Craig A.Bloomfield (1977) – ): Stabat Mater 1999 for soprano and mixed chorus
- Kwaku Boakye-Frempong (1995 – …..) Stabat Mater for soloists, choir and orchestra
- Don Giacomo Bolla (ca. 1750)
- Giovanni Bonato (1961 – ): Stabat Mater for soloists, mixed choir and orchestra
- Laurens Jean Bonaventure (1801)
- Paulo Bonfichi (1769 – 1840)
- Ermend Bonnal (1880 – 1944): Stabat Mater for a capella choir
- Johann Nepomuk Boog (ca. 1750)
- Giovanni Battista Borghi (1738 – 1796)
- Renzo Bossi (1883 – 1965)
- Cosimo Bottegari (1554 – 1620)
- Louis Albert Bourgoult-Ducoudray (1840 – 1910): Stabat Mater 1863 for mixed choir and church organ
- Guillaume Boutteiller (1788 – 18..)
- Johann Evangelist Brandl (1760 – 1837)
- Albert Breier (1961- ) Stabat Mater for soprano and violoncello
- David Briggs (1962 – ) Stabat Mater for soprano, tenor, organ, choir and orchestra. (2022).
- Estevão de Brito (1575 – 1641): Stabat Mater for 4 voices (SATB)
- Frantisek Xaver Brixi (1732 – 1771)
- Wilko Brouwers Stabat Mater
- Antonio Brunetti (1767 – 1845): Stabat Mater 1825 for soprano, alto, strings and continuo
- Johanna Bruzdowicz (1943 – 1993): Stabat Mater 1995 for mixed choir
- Orazio Buccelli (ca. 1800)
- Giuseppe Buccioni
- Manuel Moreno Buendía(*1932)Stabat Mater for soprano, choir and orchestra.
- Francisco (Franz) Bühler (1760 – 1824)
- Edward Bury (1919 – ): Stabat Mater 1941 for mixed choir
- Giacinto Calderara (1729 – 1803): Stabat Mater for soloists, choir and orchestra
- Placidus von Camerloher (1718 – 1782)
- Giorgio Cambissa (1921 – 1998) a revision of Scarlatti’s Stabat Mater
- Alessandro Capanna: Piccolo Stabat Mater concertato a piu voci, con piena orchestra, e ridotto a pianoforte e canto
- Francesco Carini (ca. 1850)
- Fransisco Carbonell Stabat Mater for SATB Choir
- Henri Carol (1910 – 1984)
- Luigi Caruso (1754 – 1822)
- Pedro Moncadas Castillejo: Stabat Mater 1989
- Jean de Castro (ca. 1540 -1600)
- Maurizio Chiavaroli, Stabat Mater for soprano voice, mezzo soprano voice and piano (from the sacred opera “Stabat Mater”
- Buono Chiodi (1728 – 1783)
- Epaminpondas Chiracopol (1952- ) Stabat Mater for soprano and piano
- Alexander Choron (1772)
- Mattia Cipollone (1837 – 1905)
- Paul Christiansen (19..)
- Ermenegildo Cinque: Stabat Mater for soprano, alto, strings and continuo
- Giovanni Carlo Maria Clari (1677 – 1754): Stabat Mater for 4 soloists, mixed choir, strings and continuo
- Arlen Clarke (19.. – ): Stabat Mater 2001 for mixed choir
- Siobhán Cleary (1970 – ): Stabat Mater 1991 for mixed choir
- Egon Cohen (1984 – ) Stabat Mater for choir
- Giovanni Paolo Maria Colonna (1637 – 1695): Stabat Mater for two mixed choirs, Stabat Mater for five-voiced choir (SSATB) and continuo
- Bartolomeo Cordans (1700 – 1757): Stabat Mater 1749 for mixed male choir and continuo
- David Gregor Corner (1585 – 1648)
- Clifford Crawley (1929 – 20216) Stabat Mater for Solo Voice, with Chamber Ensemble, Woodwinds, Keyboards. 1984.
- Regolo Cristofani (ca. 1750)
- Giovanni Croce (1557 – 1609): Stabat Mater 1602 for two mixed choirs
- Peter Crump (1928 – )
- Violeta Cruz (1986 – ) Stabat Mater Furiosa, for orchestra and actress
- Moncho Cuervo (1932 – ): Stabat Mater 1993 for soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, bass and chamber orchestra
- Stefano Cui (1980- ) Stabat Mater for choir
- Jose Cura (1962 – ) Stabat Mater 1988 for soloists, mixed choir, children choir and orchestra)
- Fergus Currie (1961 – ) Stabat Mater for mezzo soprano , mixed choir and orchestra. 2013.
- Florian Dabrowski (1913 – ): Stabat Mater 1940 for mixed choir
- Innocentius Dammonis (ca. 1500): Stabat Mater for mixed choir
- Franz Danzi (1763 – 1826)
- Johan Nepomuk David (1895 – 1977): Stabat Mater 1927 for mixed choir (SSATBB)
- Jonathan David (1965- ) Stabat Mater for choir and soprano
- Karl Deigendesch (ca. 1850): Stabat Mater for mixed male choir
- Koen Dejonghe (1957 – ) Stabat Mater for soprano solo, choir, violin, piano, organ and synthesizer
(for choir and baroque dance). 2019. - Boleslaw Dembinski (1833 – 1914): Stabat Mater for soloists, choir and orchestra
- Julia Deppert
- M.Deutschmann (ca. 1850): Stabat Mater for mixed choir
- Godfried Devreese (1893 – 1972): Stabat Mater 1965 for soloist, choir and orchestra
- Pierre Louis Dietsch (1808 – 1876)
- Jan van Dijk (1918 – )
- James Dillon: Stabat Mater for 12 Voices, Chamber Ensemble (and Electronics), 2014
- Georg Joseph Dinberger (1709 – 1768)
- Karl, Freiherr von Doblhof-Dier (1762 – 1845)
- Kurt Doebler (1896 – 1970)
- Alfredo Donizzetti (1867 – 1921)
- Gaetano Donizzetti (1797 – 1848)
- Johann Melchior Dreyer (1746 – 1824)
- Johannes Martin Dürr: Stabat Mater 1989
- Edmond Duval (ca. 1850): Stabat Mater for mixed male choir
- John Bacchus Dykes (1823 – 1876): Stabat Mater 1875
- Andrzej Dziadek (1957 – ) Stabat Mater for soprano and string orchestra, 1997.
- Johann Ernst Eberlin (1702 – 1762): two Stabat Maters
- Ludwig Ebner (ca. 1850): Stabat Mater for mixed choir
- John Lodge Ellerton (1801 – 1873)
- Ksawery (Xavery) Jozef Elsner (1769 – 1854): Stabat Mater 1848 for soloists, choir and orchestra
- Wolfgang Joseph Emmerich (1772 – ?)
- Angelo Ephrikian (1913 – 1982)
- Heinrich Epp (ca. 1850): Stabat Mater for mixed choir
- Karl Erhard (ca. 1850)
- Gustav Erlemann (1876 – 1936)
- Miguel Hilarión Eslava (1807 – 1878)
- Augustin Jean Emile d’Etcheverry: Nouveaux cantiques et motets suivis dún Stabat Mater soli, duo et choeurs
- C. Estienne: Stabat Mater for four voices and organ or piano
- Caspar Ett (1788 – 1847): Stabat Mater for two mixed choirs
- Hüseyin Evirgen
- José Falcao
- Giuseppe Farinelli (1769 – 1836)
- Ivan Fedele (1953 – ) Stabat Mater for Choir and Six Percussionists.
- Giambattista Fenoglio (ca. 1750): Stabat Mater for 2 sopranos, bass and continuo
- Francesco Feo (1691 – 1761) Stabat Mater for soprano – alto
- Kaiser Ferdinand III (1608 – 1657): Stabat Mater for soprano and tenor
- F. Monge de Ferdinandez
- John Axel Fernstrom (1897 – 1961)
- Antonio Ferradini (1718 – 1779): Stabat Mater 1779 for 4 soloists, two mixed choirs and orchestra
- Giovanni Ferrauto (1962 – ):Stabat Mater 1990 for three choirs and strings
- Carlotta Ferrari (1975 – ) Stabat Mater 200 for mixed choir, soprano and tenor
- Melcior de Ferrer i de Manresa (1821 – 1884) Stabat Mater 1873
- François Joseph Fétis (1784 – 1871)
- Heinrich Finck (1445 – 1527): Motet “Stabant iuxta crucem Jesu“
- Mary Finsterer (1962 – ) Stabat Mater for symphony orchestra. 2022.
- Vincenzo Fiodo (1782 – 1862)
- Valentino Fioravanti (1764 – 1837)
- Giuseppe Folliero de Luna: (1814 – 1984): Stabat Mater 1837
- Rudolf Forst (1900 – 1971): Stabat Mater for two choirs
- Johann de Fossa (ca.1540 – 1603)
- Caesar Franco
- Ernst Frank (1847 – 1889)
- Marko Frank (1881 – 1961)
- Frederico Guedes de Freitas (1902 – 1980)
- Karl Frieberth (1736 – 1816)
- Friedrich Theodor Frohlich (1803 – 1836)
- William Henry Fry (1813 – 1864): Stabat Mater 1855 for 4 soloists, choir and orchestra
- Bonaventura Furlanetto (1738 – 1817)
- Tyler Futrell (1983 – ) Stabat Mater for voices, strings & harpsichord, 2022.
- Renaud Gagneux (1947 – ): Stabat Mater 1991
- Amintore Galli (1845 – 1919)
- Domenico Gallo (1730 – 1768) Stabat Mater
- P. Gámez (1978)
- Jean Charles Gandrille (1982- ) Stabat Mater for 2 sopranos and organ
- Jose Mauricio Nunes Garcia (1767 – 1830): Stabat Mater 1809 for mixed choir, soloists, flutes, horns, organ
- Antônio Gastão (19.. – ): Stabat Mater 2001
- Luigi Gatti (1740 – 1817)
- Otto Gauss (1877 – 1970)
- Florent Gauthier (1969 – ) Stabat Mater for 3 – 5 female voices, with or without organ
- Max Gebhard (1896 – ?
- Hugo Gehrke
- Walther Geiser (1897 – 1993)
- Giuseppe Gherardeschi (1759 – 1815)
- Vittorio Giannini (1903 – 1966): Stabat Mater for male soprano and countertenor
- Gilardo Gilardi (1889 – 1963)
- Giuseppe Giordani (1751 – 1798)
- Giacomo Giordano
- Giovanni Giorgi (… – 1762): Stabat Mater 1757 in C minor for 4 voices
- Lorenzo Serafino Giorgi (ca. 1750): Stabat Mater for male choir and double bass
- Nicola de Giosa (1819 – 1885)
- Francisco Antonio Godoy (1784 – ?) Stabat Mater a 2 and bc
- José Gomes (ca. 1750)
- Andreas da Silva Gomes (1752 – 1844) Stabat Mater (part of sequentia de Missa de Sonhora das Dores)
- Joseph Carcoler Gomis (1698 – 1776): Stabat Mater 1742
- Alberto González (1972) Stabat Mater for soprano and orchestra. 2018.
- John Gormley (1975 – ) Stabat Mater 1996 for 2 sopranos, 2 mezzo-sopranos and harp
- Charles François Gounod (1818-1893): Stabat Mater 1867 in French for mixed choir (SATTBB) and orchestra
- Achille Graffigna (ca. 1850)
- Peter Graham (= Jaroslav Stastny-Pokorny) (1952 – ): Stabat Mater 1990 for mixed choir
- Alberto Grau (1937 – ?) Stabat Mater 1998 for mixed choir
- Carl Heinrich Graun (1703 – 1759)
- Peter Griesbacher (1864 – 1933): Stabat Mater for mixed male choir
- Antonio Grotto (1753 – 1831)
- Roel Grifioen Stabat Mater for mixed choir. 2005
- Mathilde Grooss Viddal (1996 – ) Stabat Mater for wind instruments.
- Benno (Bennonis) Grueber (1759 – 1796)
- Lorenzo Guidi
- Kjell Habbestad: (1955 – ): Stabat Mater 1990
- Michael Haller (1840 – 1915): Stabat Mater for mixed female choir
- Bernhard Haltemberger (1748 – 1780)
- Bengt Hambraeus (1928 – 2000 )
- Adriaan Petrus Hamers (1871 – 1929): Stabat Mater 1910
- Colin Hand (1929 – )
- Walter Harburger
- Henri Hardouin (1727 – 1808)
- James Hardy: Stabat Mater for four voices and choir
- August Ferdinand Häser (1779 – 1844)
- Johannes Hatzfeld (1882 – 1953)
- Norbert Hauner (1743 – 1827): Stabat Mater in German for 2 soloists
- Michael Haydn (1737 – 1806): Stabat Mater for 4 voices and organ
- Karl Hegman (ca. 1850): Stabat Mater for mixed male choir
- Jan Heijmink Liesert (19.. – ): Stabat Mater for mixed choir
- Anton Heiller (1923 – 1979)
- Dominik Heinz (1969 – ): Stabat Mater for choir op.6 in f minor
- Antoine Hellé (ca. 1850)
- Claes Hellstrom Stabat Mater for Choir SSAA and cello
- Georg Henschel (1850 – 1934)
- Bern Herbolsheimer (1948 – )
- Pablo Hernandez (1834)
- Johann Abraham Hiller (1728 – 1804): Stabat Mater1780 for mixed choir
- Stanley Hollingsworth (1924 – )
- James Holmes (1939 – 1998) Stabat Mater for choir (divisi) a capella
- Istvan Horniyak Stabat Mater for choir SSA
- Giergio Hospodski
- Brian Hulse (Stabat Mater 1999)
- Benjamin Hundley, Stabat Mater for SATB and organ or for voice, soprano saxophone, alto saxophone, 4 part choir SATB
- Robert Hunt (ca. 1550)
- Anđelko Igrec: Stabat Mater for Alto and String Quartet
- Janusz Stanislaw Ilinski (1795 – 1860): Stabat Mater for choir and orchestra
- Emanuele Imbibo (ca. 1750): Stabat Mater for 2 female choirs and strings
- Juan Francés de Inbarren (1699 – 1767)
- Nicolo Isouard (1773 – 1818)
- Wolfgang Iten (1712 – 1769)
- Francis Jackson (1917 – ): Stabat Mater 1997
- Gunther Wenzel Jacob (1685 – 1734)
- Philip James (1890 – 1975)
- Hans Jansen (1950 – ) Stabat Mater for mixed choir, alto hoboe, violin, cello and organ. 2014.
- Mariusz Jernalczyk (1987) Stabat Mater for choir SATB
- Ivo Jirasek (1920 – 2004): Stabat Mater 1968 (Oratorio for soli, choir, organ and wind orchestra)
- Vincent Jockin (19?? – ) Stabat Mater 1998 for choir
- Koen de Jonghe (1957 – ) Stabat Mater for soprano, women choir, piano, synthesiser, strings and violin
- Bernard Jumentier (1749 – 1829)
- Blazenko Juracic Stabat Mater for mixed choir and string quartet
- Ferdinand Jungbauer (1747 – 1823)
- Blaženko Juračić: Stabat Mater for mixed choir and string quartet. 2015.
- Pilar Jurado (19.. – ): Stabat Mater 2004 for soprano, mezzo-soprano and orchestra
- Edouard Juvin
- Josef Kainradl (ca.1850): Stabat Mater for mixed female choir
- Friedrich Kalkbrenner (1785 – 1849): Stabat Mater 1842
- Tönis Kaumann Stabat Mater, for tenor and symphony orchestra. 2006.
- Johann Hieronymus Kapsberger (1575 – 1650)
- Alemdar Karamanov (1934 – )
- Elena Kats-Chernin (1957 – ): Stabat Mater 2000 for 6 voices (SSATBB) and percussion
- Bryan Kelly (1934 – ): Stabat Mater 1970 for soprano, bass, choir and orchestra
- Karl Kempter (1819 – 1871)
- Friedrich Kiel (1821-1885)
- Tomasz Kiesewetter (1911 – ) Stabat Mater for female choir and organ
- Victor Kioulaphides (2021) Stabat Mater for soprano, alto and ensemble
- Johann Philipp Kirnberger (1721 – 1783): Stabat Mater in German for mixed choir and continuo
- Zsuszo Dmitrjszew Klàskj (1985 – ): Stabat Mater 2004 for a capella mixed choir
- Giselher Klebe (1925 – ): Stabat Mater 1964 for soprano, mezzo-soprano, choir and orchestra
- Bernhard Klein (1793 – 1832): Stabat Mater for mixed choir
- Henk Klop (1946 – 2017) Stabat Mater for soli, mixed choir and organ
- Johann A.Kobrich
- Friedrich Koenen (1829 – 1887): Stabat Mater for mixed female choir
- Karl-Michael Komma (1913 – ): Stabat Mater 1997 for mixed choir (SSATB)
- Marianus Königsperger (1708 – 1769)
- Maksimilian Koperski: Stabat Mater 1879 for soloists and organ
- Bohuslav Korejs (1925 – ) Stabat Mater for mixed choir
- Györgi Kósa (1897 – 1984)
- Bernhard Kothe (1821 – 1897): Stabat Mater for male choir (TTBB)
- Zbigniew Kozub (19?? – ): Stabat Mater for baritone and orchestra
- Mariusz Kramarz: Stabat Mater in memoriam Ioannis Pauli II for soprano, tenor, baritone solo, choir and orchestra. 2021.
- Friderico Kramel (1727 – 1782): Stabat Mater in German
- Marco Kraus (1955 – ): Stabat Mater 1982 for 4 piano’s on a theme from Pergolesi
- Jonathan Kregor (19?? – ): Stabat Mater for soloist, choir and cello
- Oliver O.O.Kristofferson (1950 – ): Stabat Mater 2001 for 9 voices and violin
- Augustinus Franz Kropfreiter (1936 – …): Stabat Mater for mixed choir
- Grazyna Krzanowska (19.. – ): Stabat Mater for 2 sopranos, 2 mixed choirs and orchestra
- Rafael Kubelik (1914 – 1996)
- Wilhelm Kuhe (1823 – 1912)
- Mario Labroca (1896 – 1973): Stabat Mater 1933
- Jiri Laburda (1931 – : Stabat Mater for mixed choir, a cappella)
- Francesco Giuseppe Lanza (1750 – 1812) Stabat Mater for 2 sopranos, flute, 2 violins, viola and cello
- Gesualdo Lanza (1799 – 1859) Stabat Mater
- Paul Leavitt Stabat Mater for soloists, mixed chorus and orchestra.
- Mario Lavista (1943 – 2021) Stabat Mater for choir and cello ensemble (or organ solo) 2005
- Leonhard Lechner (1553 – 1606)
- Josef Lechthaler (1891 – 1948): Stabat Mater 1925 for 4 soloists, mixed choir and orchestra
- Joseph (Anton) Lederer (1733 – 1796): Stabat Mater for 4 soloists, mixed choir, 2 violins and continuo
- Mariano Rodriguez de Ledesma (1779 – 1847): Stabat Mater 1842
- Karl August Leitner (ca. 1850): Stabat Mater for mixed choir
- Heinrich Lemacher (1891 – 1966)
- Carlo Lenzi (1735 – 1805)
- Giuseppe Lenzi
- Kaiser Leopold I (1640 – 1705): Stabat Mater for 4 voices (SATB) and orchestra
- Bernard Lewkovitch (1927 – ): Stabat Mater 1969
- Peter Lichtenthal (1780 – 1853)
- Jan van Maanen (1976 – ) MARIENKLAGE Stabat Mater for 3 mixed choir. 2020.
- Eugenio Marchese di Ligniville (1730 – 1788): Stabat Mater 1767 for 3 soloists
- Pavol Malovec (1957 – ) Stabat Mater for soprano, violin, clarinet and cello. (1996).
- Josef von Lindtpaintner (1791)
- Gianmario Liundi, Stabat Mater in five movements for quintet (voice, piano, flute, French horn, contrabass).
- Charles Harford Lloyd (1849 – 1919)
- Maria Löfberg (1968 – ): Stabat Mater 2002 for soprano, alto and string quartet
- Gavriil Lomakin (1812 – 1885)
- Ivana Loudova (1941 – ): Stabat Mater 1966 for male chorus a capella
- Vicente Miguel Louzado
- Leopold Lumpp (1801 – 1870)
- Roberto Lupi (1908 – 1971)
- Alexey Fyodorovich L’vov (1789 – 1870): Stabat Mater 1851 for 3 soloists, mixed choir and orchestra
- Jan van Maanen (1976 – ) MARIENKLAGE Stabat Mater for 3 soloists and mixed choir. 2020
- Teodulo Mabelli (1817 – 1897)
- Tadeusz Machl (1922 – ): Stabat Mater for soloists, choir, organ and orchestra
- Alexander Manotskov (1972- ) Stabat Mater for soprano solo, mixed choir, percussion and strings
- Quentin Stuart Morvaren Maclean (1896 – 1962)
- Guilermo Martinez (1983- ) Stabat Mater cantata for solo soprano, solo alto, children chorus (ad lib) mixed choir and orchestra
- Leevi Madetoja (1887 – 1947): Stabat Mater 1915 “Marian Murhe” on a finnish Stabat Mater translation
- Nonnonus Madlseder (1730 -1797)
- Pietro Magri (1873 – 1937)
- Baronne de Maistre (ca. 1850)
- Gaetano Marinelli (1759 – ?)
- Josep Sancho Marreco (1879 – 1963) Stabat Mater 1998
- Adeodato Marrone: Stabat Mater per soli, coro a quattro voci dispari, organo e orchestra
- François Xavier Mathias (1871 – 1939)
- Stanislav Mattei (1750 – 1825)
- Franz Xaver Mayer
- Anton von Mayrl (? – 1839): Stabat Mater for mixed female choir
- Filippo Mazio: Stabat Mater per tenore e basso + Stabat Mater in canto fratto a due voci, con organo
- John McCabe (1939 – ): Stabat Mater 1976 for soprano and mixed choir
- John McCleod (1934 – ): Stabat Mater 1985 for soprano, bass, choir and orchestra
- Johann Mederitsch (1752 – 1835) Stabat Mater for soloists, choir and orchestra
- Orazio Mei (1731 – 1788)
- Rudolf Mengelberg (1892 – 1959): Stabat Mater 1940
- Pavle Merkù (1929 – )
- Joseph Messner (1893 – 1969)
- Melani Mestre (1976 – ) Stabat Mater for choir, orchestra, soloists SATB.
- Bernhard Mettenleiter (1822 – 1901)
- Johann Georg Mettenleiter (1812 – 1858)
- Jan Meyerowitz (1913 – )
- Tadeusz Miazga: Stabat Mater for female choir
- Giorgio Miceli (1836 – 1895)
- Julius Miller (1782 – 1851)
- Carl Borromäus von Miltitz (1781 – 1845)
- Ambrogio Minoja (1752 – 1825)
- Ignaz Mitterer (1850 – 1924)
- Joseph Modlmayr (ca. 1850): Stabat Mater for female mixed choir
- Ludwig Molitor
- Ruggero Monna (1808 – 1864)
- Nicola Aloysius Montani
- Antonio Leal Moreira (1758 – 1819) Stabat Mater 1771 for 4 soloists in F minor
- Jorge Moreira (1948 – )
- Stefano Moreno: Stabat Mater quator vocibus inaequalibus
- Felice Moretti (1791 – 1863)
- Pancrazio Morigi (ca.1850): Stabat Mater for tenor, bass and continuo
- Virgilio Mortari (1902 – 1993): Stabat Mater 1966
- Richard Moryl (1929 – 2018) Stabat Mater for SATB and piano
- Piotr Moss (1947 – ): Stabat Mater (2002) for mezzo-soprano, eight cellos and mixed choir
- Gaetano Mossi (Stabat Mater 1700 for 5 voices)
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791): KV 33c (lost)
- John Muehleisen (Stabat Mater 2002, rev. 2003, 2014)
- Nico Muhly (1981- ) Stabat Mater for soprano and baritone voice, flute, clarinet in Bb, harp, violin, viola and violoncello
- Ernst Willem Mulder (1898 – 1959)
- Johannes Müller
- Bartolo Musil (1974 – ): Stabat Mater 1991
- František Musil, Czechia (1852 – 1909)
- Bernard James Naylor (1907 – 1986): Stabat Mater1961 for female choir and strings
- Alexius Neander (1565 – 1605)
- Anton Neckh (? – 1759)
- Vic Nees (1938 – )
- Gino Negri (1919 – )
- Franz Nekes (1844 – 1914)
- A.B.Neldy: Stabat Mater 1859 for four soloists, two choruses, orchestra and organ
- Georg Nellius (1891 – 1952)
- Laura Netzel (1839 – 1927) Stabat mater for soli, mixed choir and organ
- J.B.Neudegger (ca. 1850): Stabat Mater for mixed choir
- Sigismund Ritter von Neukomm (1778 – 1858): five Stabat Maters
- Sarah Neutkens (1998) Stabat Mater for choir. 2020.
- Omobono Nicolini (ca. 1750)
- Stephane Louis Nicou-Choron (ca. 1850)
- Manfred Niehaus (1933 – )
- Zygmunt Noskowski (1846 – 1909): Stabat Mater for soloists, choir and orchestra (1937 – ): Stabat Mater 1989
- George Oakley, Stabat Mater for harp and chorus. 2016.
- Vincenzo Orgitano (1735 – 1807)
- José Suñer Oriola (1964 – ) Stabat Mater for wind orchestra and choir. 2022.
- Philipp Ortmeier (1978 – ) Stabat Mater for soprano, four part mixed choir and string orchestra
- Einar Oulie (1890 – 1957)
- Francisco Pacheco (1784 – 1865)
- Carmelo Pace (1906 – 1993): Stabat Mater 1982 for soprano, tenor, bass, mixed choir and orchestra
- Francesco Paci
- Luigi Pagliai
- John Knowles Paine (1839 – 1907)
- Giuseppe Paladini (ca. 1750)
- Paolo Palazzo Stabat Mater for soprano, alto and acc (organ)
- Miguel de Palól: Stabat Materfor three voices and choir, two violins, bass and harmonium
- Michele Biki Panitti (1987 – ……) Stabat Mater for soprano, mezzo soprano and orchestra
- Guido Pannain (1891 – 1977)
- B.Pastorelli
- Paul Patterson (1947 – ): Stabat Mater 1986 for mezzo soprano, choir and orchestra
- Mattous Pavlis Stabat Mater for choir soloists and orchestra
- Joaquin Pecorario (ca. 1750)
- Felipe Pedrell (1841 – 1922)
- Salvatore Pelleschi: two Stabat Maters
- Benedikt Pellizzari (1755 – 1789)
- Francisco Peñalosa (1470)
- Edmund Pendleton: Stabat Mater 1905 for four soloists and strings
- Davide Perez (1711 – 1778): Stabat Mater 1770 for 4 soloists in E flat major, also Stabat Mater in F minor and E flat major
- Michele Perla
- François Pernel Stabat Mater Dolorosa for for contralto, tenor, 2 flutes, solo pedal harp, and lever harp (or lever harp ensemble).
- Pernetti (or Bernetti)(ca. 1750)
- Vincent Persichetti (1915 – 1985): Stabat Mater 1968 for choir and orchestra
- Pietro Persichini (1755 – 1837)
- João d’Abreu Pessoa (ca. 1750)
- Pierre Pfister (19.. – )
- Franz Philipp (1890 – 1972) Stabat Mater for baritone solo and choir a capella
- Maglona Patricia Bryony Philips-Jagger
- Jacek Piech (1967 – )
- Daniel Rogers Pinkham (1923 – )
- Pasquale Pisari (1725 – 1778)
- Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni (1657 – 1743)
- Franco Piva: Stabat Mater 1968
- Sergey Pleshak (1970 – ……) Stabat Mater for childrens choir and cello
- Ignaz Josef Pleyel (1757 – 1831)
- Johann Nepomuk, Freuherr von Poissl (1783 – 1865)
- Francesco Pollini (1762 – 1846)
- Mario della Ponti (1931 – )
- Wilhelm Popp (1828 – 1903)
- Nicola Antonio Giacinto Porpora (1686 – 1768)
- Giovanni Giacomo Porro (1590 – 1656)
- Luca Antonio Predieri (1688 – 1767)
- Alfonso del Prete (ca. 1850?)
- Antonietta Preziosi
- Richard Prior: Stabat Mater for soprano, choir and orchestra 1999
- Ignaz Prustmann (ca. 1750)
- Domenico Quilici: two Stabat Mater ca. 1805 for male choir and orchestra
- Marek Raczyński Stabat Mater Dolorosa for men’s ensemble.
- Pietro Raimondi (1786 – 1853): two Stabat Maters
- Imant Raminsh (1943 – ): Stabat Mater 1979 for mezzo-soprano and choir
- Pietro Ravalli
- Serafino Razzi (1531 – 1611)
- Ramiro Real (1969 – ): Stabat Mater for choir and orchestra (premiered in 2005, Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
- Kilian Reinhardt (1653 – 1729)
- Enrico Renna (1952 – ):Stabat Mater 1991 for soprano, clarinet, trombone, cello and fortepiano
- Joseph Renner (1832 – 1895): Stabat Mater for mixed choir
- Jacques Reuland (1918 – 2008) Stabat Mater for soprano, tenor, mixed choir and orchestra
- Jules Reynaud (ca. 1850): Stabat Mater for mixed choir
- Ernst Friedrich Eduard Richter (1808 – 1879)
- Rolf Rhiem (1937 – ): Stabat Mater for mixed choir (in: O quam dulce)
- Giovanni Ries
- Knudåge Riisager (1897 – 1974): Stabat Mater 1966
- Antonio Ripa (1720 – 1795): Stabat Mater for 2 mixed choirs and continuo
- Giovanni Alberto Ristori (1692 – 1753)
- Ferdinando Robuschi (1765 – 1850): Stabat Mater 1825 for 3 voices and orchestra
- Carl Joseph Rodewald (1735 – 1809): Stabat Mater 1799 for 2 sopranos and orchestra
- José Garcia Román (1945 -): Stabat Mater 1974 for mixed choir and symphony orchestra
- Ronald Roseman (1933 – 2000) Stabat Mater for soprano, flute, hobo, cello and harpsichord
- Lorenzo Rossi
- Fritz Rothschuh (1921 – 1978)
- Florian Rotter
- Dean Kerr Roush Stabat Mater for women’s voices and solo cello.
- G.Ruef
- Franceso Ruggi (1767 – 1845): Stabat Mater for 2 sopranos and continuo
- Manuel Ruiz del Corral (*1978) Stabat Mate for mixed chorus. (2021).
- Giovanni Battista Runcher (1714 – 1791)
- Carl Friedrich Rungenhagen (1778 – 1851)
- Carl Rütti (1949 – ): Stabat Mater for chorus, string quartet, cello and mezzo
- Joseph Ryelandt (1870 – 1965): Stabat Mater for soprano, mixed choir, orchestra
- Wladislaw Rzepko (1854 – ): Stabat Mater for male choir
- Balthasar Saldoni (1807 – 1889)
- Sigurour Saevarsson (1963 – ): Stabat Mater for mixed choir, accompanied by three interludes for alto flute
- Antonio Salieri (1750 – 1825)
- Gervais Bernard Gaston Salvayre (1847 – 1916)
- José Miguel Gálan Sánchez-Cortés (19?? – ) Stabat Mater for choir and organ
- Carl Santner (ca. 1850)
- Luciano Xavier dos Santos (1734 – 1808: Stabat Mater in G minor)
- Marco Santucci (1762 – 1843)
- Jerónimo Inácio Agostinho de São (ca. 1750)
- Claudio Saracini (1586 – 1649): Stabat Mater 1620 for one soloist and continuo
- Ali Riza Saral (1960 – ) Stabat Mater/Stood Her in Pain, for voices, mixed chorus and orchestra
- Marian Sawa (1937 – 2005 ): Stabat Mater for bass and organ
- Gasparo Sborgi (1737 – 1819)
- Giovanni Scapecchi (19.. – ): Stabat Mater 1999
- Barnardi Schacht
- Boguslaw Schaeffer (1929 – ): Stabat Mater 1983 for soprano, alto, choir and orchestra
- Johann Baptist Schenk (1753 – 1836)
- Jakob Schgraffer (1817 – 1856): Stabat Mater for mixed choir
- Pietro Schiavon (1991)
- Thomas Daniel Schlee (1957 – )
- Ferdinand Schmidt (ca.1750)
- Joseph Aloys Schmittbauer (1718 – 1809): Stabat Mater for two sopranos, tenor, bass and orchestra
- Mikulas Schneider-Trnavsky (1886 – 1958)
- Alois Schönfeld (19?? – )
- Franz Schöpf (1836 – 1915)
- Joseph Schuster (1748 – 1812): Stabat Mater 1807 for 4 soloists, mixed choir and orchestra
- Hanns-Christoph Schuster
- Johann Schweitzer (ca.1850)
- Josef Seiler
- Susannah Self Stabat Mater for solo soprano, alto, SSATB chorus, oboe, trumpet in Bb, strings and organ, 2023.
- Alexander Serov (1820 – 1871)
- Albert Serracant Carré (1978 – ): Stabat Mater 2002 for mixed choir
- Franz Seydelmann (1748 – 1806)
- Igor Shcherbakov (1955 – ) Cantata Stabat Mater for mixed choir, with a variant for woman’s choir
- Marina Shmotova (1959 – ) Stabat Mater 1990 for soprano or alto, with viola, organ, trumpet and percussion
- Gil Shohat (1973 – ) Stabat Mater for mezzo soprano and orchestra. 2006.
- Eric Siboni (1828)
- Bernard van den Sigtenhorst Meyer (1888 – 1953)
- Kazimierz Sikorsky (1895 – ): Stabat Mater for bass, mixed choir and organ
- Friedrich Silcher (1789 – 1860)
- Giuseppe Antonio Silvani (1672 – 1726): Stabat Mater 1708 for 2 mixed choirs
- Victor Sinenko, Stabat Mater for boys choir and piano
- Jean Baptist Singelee (1812 – 1875)
- Johann Baptist Singenberger (ca.1850)
- Smith, John Clark (Canada)
- Mainrad Spiess (1683 – 1761)
- Patrick Standford (1939 – ): Stabat Mater 1966
- Jozef Stefani (1800 – 1876): Stabat Mater 1857 for soloists, choir and orchestra
- Joseph Anton Steffan (1726 – 1797): Stabat Mater in German
- Scipione Stella (1558 – 1622) Stabat Mater for choir SATB
- Michael Stenov (1963 – ) Deutsche Motette Stabat Mater Dolorosa for choir SATB opus 28
- Michael Steyer (1757 – 1809)
- Alfred Stier (1880 – 1967)
- Antonius Stöger (1727 – 1798): Stabat Mater for 2 voices
- Thomas Stolzer (1483 – 1526): Stabat Mater
- Anthony St.Pierre (19.. – ): Stabat Mater 1999 for mixed choir
- Joseph Hartmann Stuntz 1793 – 1859
- Jean-François le Sueur (1760 – 1837)
- Józef Surzyński (1851 – 1919)
- Jacek Sykulski (19.. – ): Stabat Mater 1995 for seven voices
- Jerzy Swolkien (1940 – ): Missa Mater Dolorosa for male choir and string orchestra
- Georgi Sztojanov (*1985) Stabat Mater for mixed choir, male choir and children /girls choir.
- Renato Tagliabue (19?? – )
- Angelo Tarchi (1759 – 1814): Stabat Mater in Italian for 2 sopranos and orchestra
- G.Tartaglione
- Luis Antonio Tavares (ca.1750)
- Antonio Tedeschi (1710 – 1770): Stabat Mater in C minor and E minor for 4 voices
- Valerio Tesei
- Flavio Testi (1923 – )
- Karen P.Thomas: (1957 – ): Stabat Mater 1979 (revised 1984) for mezzo, speaker, double choir and orchestra
- Pedro Tintorer y Segarra (1814 – 1891): Stabat Mater for soloists, choir and orchestra (lost)
- Alberto Tofi (1963 – ) Stabat Mater for choir and soloist (soprano)
- Jónas Tómasson (1946 – ) Stabat Mater /Via Crucis for altus and 3 clarinets
- Fernand de la Tombelle (1854 – 1928): Stabat Mater for three mixed voices and organ (1911)
- Igor Tscherbakov (1955 – ) Stabat Mater cantata a capella solo soprano voice; SATB chorus or solo soprano voice; SSAA chorus
- Joseph Umstatt (1711 – 1762)
- Andres Avelino José Peregrino Valenti (ca.1850)
- Giovanni Valentini (1582 – 1649)
- Pietro Valle
- Bart Vandewege (1962 – ) Stabat Mater for mixed choir.
- Johann Verheyen (ca.1850): Stabat Mater for mixed choir
- Francesco Vetrari
- John Nathaniel Vincent (1902 – 1970): Stabat Mater1969
- Jheronimus Vinders (1540 – 1557)
- Bruno Vlahek (1986 – ) Stabat Mater for soprano, baritone, mixed choir and two pianos. 2013.
- Cajetan Vogel (1750 – 1794): Stabat Mater in D minor
- Georg Christoph Wagenseil (1715 – 1777): Stabat Mater 1742 for 3 soloists (ATB), mixed choir and orchestra
- Frantiszek Walczynski (1852 – 1937)
- Ernest Walker (1870 – 1949)
- Volker Wangenheim (1928 – )
- Berthold Wassmer (19?? – )
- Gaspard van Weerbeke (1445 – 1517): Stabat Mater for five voices
- Paul Wehage: Stabat Mater for 5 soprano’s a capello (2000)
- Peter Welffens (1924 – 2002): Stabat Mater for mixed choir, hobo and strings
- Gunnar Wennenberg (1870 – 1901) Stabat Mater for mixed choir with solo voice(s) and orchestra
- Sven Erik Werner (1937 – ?)
- William White (1983 -) Stabat Mater for soprano, mezzo soprano, viola and piano.
- Georg Wichtl
- Jan Wieczorek (1904 – ): Stabat Mater 1942 for soloists, choir and orchestra
- Peter von Winter (1754 – 1825)
- Heinric Wismeyer: 1923
- Franz Xaver Witt (1834 – 1888): two Stabat Maters
- Karl Witzka (1768 – 1848)
- Peter Wilhelm Wolff
- Kanstantsin Yaskou, born in 1981 (Belarus) Stabat Mater for mixed chorus
- Martin Zalba Ibañez (1958 – ) Stabat Mater for soprano, alto, harp, organ and choir
- Francesco Zanetti (1737 – 1788)
- Ruth Zechlin (1926 – ): Stabat Mater for tenor and organ
- Ivan Zelenka (1941 – ) Stabat Mater for solo S, A, T and B, choir and orchestra
- Marc’ Antonio Ziani (1653 – 1715): two Stabat Mater 1713
- Benno Ziegler (1891 – 1965)
- Joseph Paul Ziegler (1722 – 1767)
- Nicola Antonio Zingarelli (1752 – 1837): 30 Stabat Maters
- Valentin Zubiaurre (1837 – 1914)
- Jakob Francisek Zupan (1734 – 1810)