Since my Ultimate Stabat Mater Website was renewed in 2015, there has been a slideshow in the top right corner. You can see photos of Mary standing near the cross on which Jesus is hanging (Stabat Mater Dolorosa). Many photos were taken in churches all over the world. Often it is the twelfth station of the Way of the Cross. Taking these photos became a habit for Hans and me, wherever we went. I still do it, and others sometimes help me.
However, I have always regretted that it was not possible to click on the photos for a better display and more information about the location and artist. But now, thanks to my grandson Guido, I have an Instagram account that has been embedded in my site. Clicking on the photo in the top right will bring you to my Instagram, where you can see a collection of my photos on this subject from almost the last fifteen years. I am very happy with this addition to my Ultimate Stabat Mater Website, and I hope my visitors will be too!