Translation: I received a rhyming translation into Hebrew of a part of the poem from Agnus Moulij, made by Yoram Brunuvsky, Israeli poet and critic, from the Vatican version (in Transcript to Latin alphabet) and from Bertie Aronson I reveived another – complete – one by Ido Abrabaja. The numbers (1) in the text have been added for pronunciation purposes. For purposes of comparison I give the complete Latin text.
1 Stabat Mater dolorosa iuxta crucem lacrimosa dum pendebat Filius
2 Cuius animam gementem contristatem et dolentem pertransivit gladius
3 O quam tristis et afflicta fuit illa benedicta Mater Unigeniti
4 Quae moerebat et dolebat et tremebat cum videbat nati poenas incliti
5 Quis est homo qui non fleret Matri Christi si videret in tanto supplicio?
6 Quis non posset contristari Matrem Christi contemplari dolentum cum filio?
7 Pro peccatis suae gentis vidit Iesum in tormentis et flagellis subditum
8 Vidit suum dulcem natum moriendo desolatum dum emisit spiritum
9 Eia Mater, fons amoris, me sentire vim doloris fac ut tecum lugeam
10 Fac ut ardeat cor meum in amando Christum Deum ut sibi complaceam
11 Sancta Mater, istud agas crucifixi fige plagas cordi meo valide
12 Tui nati vulnerati tam dignati pro me pati poenas mecum divide
13 Fac me vere tecum flere crucifixo condolere donec ego vixero
14 Iuxta crucem tecum stare te libenter sociare in planctu desidero
15 Virgo virginum praeclara mihi iam non sis amara fac me tecum plangere
16 Fac ut portem Christi mortem passionis eius sortem et plagas recolere
17 Fac me plagis vulnerari cruce hac inebriari ob amorem filii
18 Inflammatus et accensus, per te, Virgo, sim defensus in die iudicii
19 Fac me cruce custodiri morte Christi praemuniri confoveri gratia
20 Quando corpus morietur fac ut animae donetur paradisi gloria. Amen
Amda HaEm HaMeyusereth, Etsel HaTslav BeVechi Memarereth, Haben Talui Al-Yad
Eth Nafscha HaMeyabeveth HaAguma VeHadoeveth Pelach Shalach Chad
Ma Atsuva VeNoasha Habrucha MiKol Isha Em Bna Yechida
SheHityasra BeKe’ev Rav, Birotha Et Yesurav, BeKol Gufa Her’ida.
Mi Haish Lo Yekonen, Kshyir’e Et Em Haben Mithyapachat Noashot?
Mi Lo Yitatsev Ima, Lo Yishka Letoch Ogma, Beatsmo Yichav Kashot?
Mi Lo Yitmale Chemla, Lenuchach Haem Hamela, Em Hamashiach?
Eth Yeshua Raatha, Beshel Ami Asher Chata, Maka ad Motho
Eth Chaviva Et Yekira Raatha Sovel Nora Ad Tset Nishmato.
Ho Haem, Makor Lekol Ohev,Imma, Shatphini Bakeev, Lo Ethabel Immech.
1. Em mokat jagon omedet, moel hazlav bocha, ro-edet, sjam taloei jehoshuah
2. Et libah hamitjapeach lahav hake-ev poleach, ma nora hoe jegonah
3. Ma nogah hie, ma sovelet hakdosha, ha em lejeled ha-echad ve een
4. Hako-evet, hado-evet, haro-edet lemareehoe sjel haben hamitjaser
5. Mie ha-isj een (1) nav jabee(1)sjoe kie jir-eh iemo sjel jeshoe nemakah bejagona.
6. Mie jimnah kolo me-begi, et jizkor et hatsadeket hachozeh be-tsa-ar
7. Al gethee amo kiper hoe, re-oe egegah mitjaser hoe, besjotim jalkoe ottoh.
8. Re-oe ha-ben ha-gaf mie pesjah, hagoweha, gasar jesjsha,hamotsi et nisjmato.
9. Em ahavah, harsjini ke-eveg laset, lamdini kan ietag lehit-abel.
10. Na izrie lie, sje-atsliach le-ehov et hamesjiach, we ezkeh begesed el.
11. Em kdoshah bimrom rakia, et ptsa-av sjel hamoshia loe garat betog libie.
12. Loe oegal laglok basevel sje-bavoerie saval hoe, sje-kiper al avonie.
13. Loe nitan lie be-emet levakot et bneg hamet, kol od bachaim anie.
14. Moel hatslav kan la-amod wejachdav itag lispod, zeh jehi-jeh kol retsonie.
15. Betoela kdosha, em gesed, ana al tehie ko-eset, kie evkeh imag jachdav.
16. Kag esah zigro sjel jesju, et motto, et jisoerav, belibie echkok ptsa-av.
17. Begol mag-ovav pits-ini, besjigron hatslav mal-ini, be-ahavatie elav.
18. Kie tivar bie esj eloha, at machseh lie megavo-ah, behagia jom hadien.
19. Loe hatslav rak jisjmerenie, mot jehoshuahja jiz-agenie be- gesdo me-meromim
20. Oe-beglot goefie lamavet, nisjmatie tizkeh lasjevet, began eden le-olamin.