Gaelic translation (probably) by Fr Allan MacDonald of Eriskay 1859-1905
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Rough English translation by Tom Dawkes
Sheas a’ mhàthair am bròn bàite Aig Crann-ceusaidh deurach, cràidhteach Am bun a Mic ‘s E ‘n spàirn ro ghoirt. | The mother stood drowned in grief At the crucifixion tree, tearful, tortured, below her son and he struggling in pain. |
Cridhe caomh bha brùite, dubhach, Briste ‘g osnaich ‘s a’ tuireadh – Rinn an claidheamh-guin a lot. | A tender heart was bruised, mournful, Broken, sighing and lamenting – The sword point made its wound. |
Ochòin! bu chràidhteach is bu chianail Moire Mhàthair bheannaicht’ Chrìosda ‘S E ga phianadh air a’ Chrois. | Alas! most painful and plaintive was Blessed Mary, Mother of Christ, as He was being tortured on the Cross. |
Gum bu dubhach, air a lèireadh A bha Moir’ air dhi bhith lèirsinn Dìol ro dhèisneach h-aona Mhic. | That it was sad, in her suffering Mary had a vision for her A very horrible retribution by an only son. |
Cò an neach a bhiodh san làthair Chitheadh Màthair Dhè san spàirn sin Nach biodh cràidhteach sileadh dheur? | Who is the person who would be present, would see The Mother of God in that struggle, and would not be wretched and shed a tear? |
Cò a b’ urrainn gun bhith brònach Smaoineachadh air cor na h-Òighe Ghabh co-phàirt an dòrainn Chrìosd? | Who could not be sad thinking about the plight of the Virgin and take a share of the torment of Christ? |
Airson peacannan a shluaigh fhèin Moire faicinn Ios’ ga chiùrradh, An dèis a sgiùrsadh cruaidh gun iochd; | For the sins of his own people Mary saw Jesus being tortured, after scourging hard without mercy; |
Moire faicinn a Mic gràdhaich Air a dhìobairt le chaomh-chàirdean, Dol gu bàs air fiodh na Crois. | Mary saw her beloved Son Abandoned by bosom friends going to die on the wood of the Cross. |
Mhàthair uile-ghaolach, tiùbhraich Meud do dhòrainn orms’ a dhrùidheadh Los bhith bròn ‘s a’ tùirse leat; | O all-loving, generous mother, The extent of your sorrow pierces me to be sad and melancholy for you; |
Deònaich m’ anam le gaol Chrìosda Bhith na lasair dhèin gun diocladh, Chor ‘s gun toill mi mhiadh ‘s a thlachd. | Grant that my soul with the love of Christ may be intensely aflame and undiminished, so that, undeserving, I may esteem and enjoy it. |
Mhàthair naomh, biodh lotan creuchdach Do Mhic Ìosa chaidh a cheusadh Domhain geàrrt’ air clàr mo chridh’; | Holy mother, let wounds heal For the Son of Jesus was crucified A deep cut on the surface of my heart; |
Deònaich hòmhsa, Mhoire Mhàthair, Mo cho-roinn de Phàis mo Shlànair Dh’fhuiling air mo sgàth gach nì. | Grant for me, Mother Mary, My share of the Passion of my Saviour Everything suffered because of me. |
Thugas dhomh gum bi mi tuilleadh A’ co-bhròn leats’ mar as cubhaidh Thaobh na dh’fhuiling do Mhac rùin; | Give me that I will have more shared grief with you as is fitting compared to what your dear son suffered; |
A bhith ad chuideachd taobh ‘Chruinn-cheusaidh Is co-chòir ded dhòrainn fhaotainn, Chuir mi, Mhàthair Dhè, nam ùidh. | To be with you at the Crucifixion You are deservedly saddened, I put, Mother of God, in my interest. |
Òigh ro urramach nan òighean, – Na cuir suarach mi, ach deònaich Dhomh co-chòir ded dhòrainn chràidh; | Most honourable virgin of virgins, – Do not despise me, but grant To me the due rights of your torment; |
Deònaich gur e bàs m’ Fhir-shaoraidh, Is a Phàis ‘s a chreuchdan craobhach, As culaidh-smaoinich dhomh gach tràth. | Deònaich gur e bàs m’ Fhir-shaoraidh, Is a Phàis ‘s a chreuchdan craobhach, As culaidh-smaoinich dhomh gach tràth. |
Gun dèan gaol nan lot mo reubadh ‘S gaol na Fala, gaol ‘Chruinn-cheusaidh, M’anam thoirt fo ghèill ‘s fo dhaors’; | May the love of the wounds tear me apart And the love of the Blood, the love of the Crucifixion, bring my soul under obedience and under bondage’; |
Nuair a thèid mi ‘n làthair Chrìosda, Thoirt dhà cunntais air mo ghnìomhan, Cùm bhon teine shìor mi saor. | When I go before Christ, Give him accounts of my deeds, Keep me free from the eternal fire. |
Shlànair naoimh, an uair as bàs dhomh, Builich orm air ghaol do Mhàthar Ann am Pàrras crùn na buaidh; | Holy Saviour, when I die, Bestow on me for your Mother’s love There in Paradise the crown of victory; |
Nuair a bhios mo chorp gun anail, Deònaich sòlas sìor dham anam Ann an glòir nam Flathas shuas’. Amen. | When my body is without breath, Grant eternal comfort to my soul In the glory of the realm above. Amen. |