I received a rhyming translation of the poem into Slovakian from Andrea Mondello, which he found in a semi-official liturgical book from 1991 (Jednotny Katolicky Spevnik).
According to Michal Maga this text was taken from the “Cantus Catholici” (1655) and adjusted to modern Slovakian. I don’t know Slovakian, but it seems to me that the second stanza has been transferred to the fourth place. Furthermore, four stanzas are missing, 14 to 17.
For purposes of comparison I give the complete latin text. As possibly not everyone has the possibility to get Slovakian letters on his screen, I made a picture of the text. So, everyone should be able to see it! The second text-picture was sent to me by Michal Maga.
Andrea Mondello sent me also this HYMNUS (Hymn for the Morning Praises of September 15th), consisting of stanzas from 11 to 20 according to the Analecta version.
1 Stabat Mater dolorosa iuxta crucem lacrimosa dum pendebat Filius
2 Cuius animam gementem contristatam et dolentem pertransivit gladius
3 O quam tristis et afflicta fuit illa benedicta Mater Unigeniti
4 Quae moerebat et dolebat et tremebat cum videbat nati poenas incliti
5 Quis est homo qui non fleret Matri Christi si videret in tanto supplicio?
6 Quis non posset contristari Matrem Christi contemplari dolentum cum filio?
7 Pro peccatis suae gentis vidit Iesum in tormentis et flagellis subditum
8 Vidit suum dulcem natum moriendo desolatum dum emisit spiritum
9 Eia Mater, fons amoris, me sentire vim doloris fac ut tecum lugeam
10 Fac ut ardeat cor meum in amando Christum Deum ut sibi complaceam
11 Sancta Mater, istud agas crucifixi fige plagas cordi meo valide
12 Tui nati vulnerati tam dignati pro me pati poenas mecum divide
13 Fac me vere tecum flere crucifixo condolere donec ego vixero
14 Iuxta crucem tecum stare te libenter sociare in planctu desidero
15 Virgo virginum praeclara mihi iam non sis amara fac me tecum plangere
16 Fac ut portem Christi mortem passionis eius sortem et plagas recolere
17 Fac me plagis vulnerari cruce hac inebriari ob amorem filii
18 Inflammatus et accensus, per te, Virgo, sim defensus in die iudicii
19 Fac me cruce custodiri morte Christi praemuniri confoveri gratia
20 Quando corpus morietur fac ut animae donetur paradisi gloria. Amen
Slovakian translation
Second Slovakian translation
Svätá Matka, Krista rany, ktorými bol doránaný, hlboko mi v srdce vtlac.
Na bolestiach Syna tvojho za mna z lásky trpiaceho nech mám podiel, v srdci plac.
Daj, nech s tebou placem, kvílim a nech s Kristom spolucítim, kým len tu ja budem zit.
Pod krízom stát s tebou túzim, k tebe v ziali sa pridruzím chcem s tebou zalostit.
Panna panien prevznesená, aj pre mna si zúbozená, preto s tebou nariekam.
Daj, nech Kristovu smrt nosím a na krízi úcast prosím, rany jeho uctievam.
Ran ma bôlmi Krista Pána, svätým krízom opoj aj mna i krvou Nevinného.
A pred vecným ohnom chrán ma, pomáhaj mi, svätá Panna, v den súdu posledného.
Nech je mi kríz útocistom, Kristova smrt zivot s Kristom; vyprosuj mi milosti.
A ked moje telo skoná, daj, nech moja dusa spozná zivot rajskej radosti. Amen.