Two Italian Stabats
I added two new contemporary composers from Italy: Alberto Schiavo and Stefano Lentini. Alberto Schiavo contacted…
Stabat Mater and Stab at Matter
I had never heard of Bruce Cockburn till Bob Cox sent me an e-mail about…
New: MacMillan and Haladjian
I just added two CD’s to my collection: Yerevan Women’s Choir of Armenia, singing, among…
New Stabat from Italy
Recently I got a mail from Paola Battoni, a chorister of Coro femminile da Camera…
Oirschot 2017 Dvořák piano version
About a year ago, I got a message from Mr. Peter Grandcourt. He discovered the original…
Electronic Stabat Mater
Mr. Alessandro Ravi informed me about a new Stabat Mater, composed and performed by Raffaele…
Bednall, Alfeyev and Auerbach
In the last two weeks I added three new composers. Mr. Hubert Maillard was so…
Latest addition: Stefaan Vanheertum
I just added the Stabat Mater by Stefaan Vanheertum to my collection. He is a…
Stabat Mater by Craig Bloomfield
I just listened to the Stabat Mater by Craig Bloomfield and I loved it very…
Norbert Rosseau, composer 263
I just added the Stabat Mater by Norbert Rosseau. Rosseau is composer number 263. He…
Latest additions: Berney and Biber
In August 2016 I added two, totally different composers: Jérôme Berney from Switzerland (born in…
Irish Gaelic 2.0
In the “beginning” of the internet it was not easy to publish translations of the…
One missing CD less!
J. K. Berger pointed me to several Stabat Mater compositions, not yet in my collection…
Norwegian translation
Karl Aksel was so kind to inform and correct me about a Norwegian translation Hans found on…
Stefaan Vanheertum
Stefaan Vanheertum, a composer from Ghent in Belgium, was so kind to invite me for the…
Holy week in Ceriana
Ceriana is one of the places in Italy where the Stabat Mater is sung on Good…
Stabat Mater by Jens Eriksson
I have got an e-mail from Jens Bragdell Eriksson. He is a church musician and composer from…
Stabat from Sardinia in Amsterdam
When Hans was still alive, we sometimes discussed the possibility of going to Sardinia or…
Latest addition: J. B. Foerster
I just added the Stabat Mater by Josef Bohuslav Foerster. Theresia Stössel was so kind…
Stabat Mater by Vivian Fine
Brad Gelineau was so kind to inform me about the Stabat Mater by Vivian Fine….
Latest addition: Mul, Strategier, de Klerk
I just added three composers to my Stabat Mater collection: Jan Mul, Herman Strategier and…
Latest addition: Robert Hejnar
I just added the Stabat Mater from Robert Hejnar, a composer from Czechia. I received…
Stabat Mater Weekend in Holland
Every year, two weeks before Easter, the Stabat Mater Foundation organises three Stabat Mater concerts…
Latest addition: Miguel de Ambiela
I just added the Stabat Mater from a completely unknown Spanish composer: Miguel de Ambiela. It…