I just added a new composer to my site: Howard Blake with The Passion of Mary. Mr. Hubert Maillard pointed me to this CD. His Stabat Mater is a part of Blake’s second oratorio, titled The Passion of Mary. In Part 3 the first ten stanza’s of the Stabat Mater text have been used. The …
New: Angelo Comisso
I just added the Stabat Mater by Angelo Comisso. Angelo Comisso did not only use the Stabat Mater text. Part 7 is titled Nell’apparir del sempiterno sole composed by Francesco Soto de Langa (16th century) and rearranged by Comisso Stabat Mater. I did some research and I think it is a Christmas song. Though I am …
Mater Dolorosa and Anna Akhmatova
Through my Ultimate Stabat Mater Website I frequently receive messages from music lovers, musicians or composers about performances, recordings and compositions of the Stabat Mater. It always make me happy but I was extra surprised when Mr. Richard Blackford from England contacted me. He informed me he had been commissioned by the Bournemouth Symphony Chorus …
New: Niels la Cour
Mr. Hubert pointed me to several CD’s missing on my site. I just added one: Niels la Cour from Denmark composed in 2005 three Marian songs for mixed choir: Totra pulchra es, Stabat Mater and Regina caeli. Only two stanza’s (1 and 9) are sung. The Stabat Mater song is only 2.28 minutes. From the …
A modern translation into German
What a special surprise to receive a German translation of the Stabat Mater text! But I was even more impressed after I found out that the translation had been done by Philippa Wills, a 17(!) year old student from King’s School in Worcester. And of course, I did wonder how a 17 year old girl …
New: Lukas Borzik
I added a new Stabat Mater by Lukáš Borzík from Slovakia. Mr. Hubert Maillard was so kind to bring my attention to this CD. In the booklet the composer says: This Stabat Mater brings three different points of view on the Mother who stood by her dying Son. They are expressed by three motifs of …
New: Nicola Logroscino
And again I can delete a name from my list of Missing CDs: Nicola Logroscino! Thanks to Mr. Hubert Maillard from Switzerland. He was so kind to send me, as a gift, this CD with Stabat Mater by Nicola Logroscino, an Italian composer from the 17th century. His Stabat Mater reminds me very much of …
Jan Engel
I just added Jan Engels Stabat Mater. For a long time Jan Engel was on my list of missing CDs. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Lee from Baltimore I could add this CD to my collection. He sent the CD to me as a gift. He wrote: …I happened upon the Stabat Mater site many …
Via Crucis
I just added a CD Via Crucis, a composition by Dick Le Mair, a Dutch composer. In part four (the fourth station of the cross: Jesus meets his mother), he uses the first Stanza of Stabat Mater. This part reminds me of the introduction of Cantate 106 (Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit) by Johann …
Walon Church Amsterdam
On Friday March 15th I attended a special concert in the context of the Art project Troubles Waters (fourteen art stations of the cross), in the Walon Church, Amsterdam. The Hieronymus Ensemble sang Stabat Mater by Orlando di Lasso (1585). Eight men, they sang beautifully! As with Palestrina’s Stabat Mater the choir is divided into …