New: Howard Blake
I just added a new composer to my site: Howard Blake with The Passion of…
New: Angelo Comisso
I just added the Stabat Mater by Angelo Comisso. Angelo Comisso did not only use…
Mater Dolorosa and Anna Akhmatova
Through my Ultimate Stabat Mater Website I frequently receive messages from music lovers, musicians or…
New: Niels la Cour
Mr. Hubert pointed me to several CD’s missing on my site. I just added one:…
A modern translation into German
What a special surprise to receive a German translation of the Stabat Mater text! But…
New: Lukas Borzik
I added a new Stabat Mater by Lukáš Borzík from Slovakia. Mr. Hubert Maillard was…
New: Nicola Logroscino
And again I can delete a name from my list of Missing CDs: Nicola Logroscino!…
Jan Engel
I just added Jan Engels Stabat Mater. For a long time Jan Engel was on…
Via Crucis
I just added a CD Via Crucis, a composition by Dick Le Mair, a Dutch…
Walon Church Amsterdam
On Friday March 15th I attended a special concert in the context of the Art…
Art and the Stations of the Cross
During the forty days of Lent (from March 6th till April 22th 2019) there will…
A special leaf
Last week I got a very special mail from Mr. Keith Stroup. He recently purchased an…
Origins of Stabat Mater Latin text
Mr. Hubert Beckwith was so kind to contact me; he provided me with new information,…
Spirit, Strength & Sorrow
I just added the CD Spirit, Strength & Sorrow by The Sixteen with Harry Christophers. It…
New Stabat: Pormeister-Rips
Mr. Pavel Brochin from Germany, was so kind to inform me about the Stabat Mater…
I think Rossini was one of the first composers Hans added to his collection. At…
Since my Ultimate Stabat Mater Website was renewed in 2015, there has been a slideshow…
Another Finnish translation
I have got a mail from Heikki Hattunen: Hello! Thank you for your website. The…
James Dillon
Mrs Rui Sano contacted me about James Dillon, she wrote Accidentally I came across your…
Liszt and Rossini
Last week Mr. Hendrik Decker was so kind to contact me about Liszt’s transcriptions of Rossini’s Stabat…
Parcival in Groningen
It is 8 pm and silence descends on the main auditorium of the Oosterpoort Theatre…
Stabat Sistine Chapel, Live-streamed
Mr. Marc Puckett from Oregon (US) was so kind to inform me about the performance…
The end of an era
Visiting Oirschot for the annual Stabat Mater event has been a real highlight of the…
Gaudium et Musica on Menorca
In 2010 I added the Stabat Mater by Marco Rosano to my collection. Marco Rosano was…