New: Osvaldo Guidotti
I just added another Italian composer Osvaldo Guidotti. Barbara Seppi from Germany was kind enough…
New: Anonymous from Poland
This Stabat Mater, from the album Bogarodzica (Mother of God) is a Polish anonymous melody…
New: Howard Blake
I just added a new composer to my site: Howard Blake with The Passion of…
New: Angelo Comisso
I just added the Stabat Mater by Angelo Comisso. Angelo Comisso did not only use…
Mater Dolorosa and Anna Akhmatova
Through my Ultimate Stabat Mater Website I frequently receive messages from music lovers, musicians or…
New: Niels la Cour
Mr. Hubert pointed me to several CD’s missing on my site. I just added one:…
A modern translation into German
What a special surprise to receive a German translation of the Stabat Mater text! But…
New: Lukas Borzik
I added a new Stabat Mater by Lukáš Borzík from Slovakia. Mr. Hubert Maillard was…
New: Nicola Logroscino
And again I can delete a name from my list of Missing CDs: Nicola Logroscino!…
Jan Engel
I just added Jan Engels Stabat Mater. For a long time Jan Engel was on…
Via Crucis
I just added a CD Via Crucis, a composition by Dick Le Mair, a Dutch…
Walon Church Amsterdam
On Friday March 15th I attended a special concert in the context of the Art…
Art and the Stations of the Cross
During the forty days of Lent (from March 6th till April 22th 2019) there will…
A special leaf
Last week I got a very special mail from Mr. Keith Stroup. He recently purchased an…
Origins of Stabat Mater Latin text
Mr. Hubert Beckwith was so kind to contact me; he provided me with new information,…
Spirit, Strength & Sorrow
I just added the CD Spirit, Strength & Sorrow by The Sixteen with Harry Christophers. It…
New Stabat: Pormeister-Rips
Mr. Pavel Brochin from Germany, was so kind to inform me about the Stabat Mater…
I think Rossini was one of the first composers Hans added to his collection. At…
Since my Ultimate Stabat Mater Website was renewed in 2015, there has been a slideshow…
Another Finnish translation
I have got a mail from Heikki Hattunen: Hello! Thank you for your website. The…
James Dillon
Mrs Rui Sano contacted me about James Dillon, she wrote Accidentally I came across your…
Liszt and Rossini
Last week Mr. Hendrik Decker was so kind to contact me about Liszt’s transcriptions of Rossini’s Stabat…
Parcival in Groningen
It is 8 pm and silence descends on the main auditorium of the Oosterpoort Theatre…
Stabat Sistine Chapel, Live-streamed
Mr. Marc Puckett from Oregon (US) was so kind to inform me about the performance…